Free Growth Mindset Course Online

1. Introduction to Mindset

Growth Mindset Course Online:

A mindset is a belief that orients the way we handle situations — the way we sort out what is going on and what we should do.

Topics Covered:
1. Introduction to Mindset
2. What is Mindset?
3. Importance of Mindset
4. Fixed Vs Growth Mindset
5. Dangers of Fixed Mindset
6. Power of a Growth Mindset
7. Change your Mindset
8. Strategies to Develop Growth Mindset
9. Dealing with Setbacks

2. What is Mindset?

3. Importance of Mindset

4. Fixed Vs Growth Mindset

5. Dangers of Fixed Mindset

6. Power of a Growth Mindset

7. Change your Mindset

8. Strategies to Develop Growth Mindset

9. Dealing with Setbacks