How to Structure Your Blog & 4 Blogging Tools Professionals use.

How to write a Blog Post which gets read!

If you want people to come back for more after reading your blog for the first time,
write posts that people love to read! The way you develop, write and organize
content determines whether or not readers are attracted to your blog posts. And it’s not hard to do if you have a process.
And a good blog is made of good articles.

Follow these tips and seek feedback from your audience and you can be confident that you’re writing good blog posts.

These tips will help you create posts that are easy for readers to follow and digest, and make them loyal fans of your blog.

Once you have Brainstorm ideas to outline your Topic, start developing content for new posts. After the brainstorming session is over, create an outline.
Divide your post into themes and subthemes. Place your content in an organized
structure that everyone will be able to easily follow.

Start writing and structuring your Post

Now you’re ready to pull everything together. Make sure that from start to finish, the structure of your post is easy for readers to follow.

Write great introduction

The first paragraph of a blog post should always introduce what your post is about.
You can engage readers by starting with a question or by quoting something
relevant, though always from a personal point of view.
A good introduction explains the topic and draws your reader in.
You can use up to 60 words in the first paragraph to connect with your audience.

Break up the post in sections

As you write the body of your post, try to find ways to guide the reader along and
make the content more accessible.
Divide your post into sections to break up your content into small pieces that are
easily digestible, and then add headings.
Add section headings to make the post easier to follow.
Keep in mind that you’ll probably change the headings within the post several times
as you’re writing it.

Make content easy to comprehend

An average reader only understands 60% of what they read?
So you have to make your content understandable and easy to read.
How do you do that?
1. First, split your content into multiple, easily recognizable parts.
2. See the headings on this article? They’re there to help you scan the article.
3. Next, create space throughout your content.

Here’s a tip: Make a list. Why a list?

Well, Advantages of creating a lists are:
1. Easy to read and scan.
2. Show multiple ideas in a single a glance.
3. Are trendy.
4. Are great at making the point that lists are great.

Bullet points help readers connect with your content so they understand it
more clearly and easily. Use them to make statistics, products, action steps
and other information stand out.

4 Blogging Tools that Professionals use : 

Use Relevant Images in your post: 

Use Unsplash & Foter for Quality, Source Free Images
With Unsplash you get access to a bank of 50,000+ free-to-use photos without any
attribution or credits. Unsplash and Foter will help tell your visual story with the
right pictures.

Use SimiliarWeb for Researching Competitor’s Web Traffic

When you’re seeking an intended interest group or target audience, it is useful to
discover their top organic and paid keywords and the referral sources of your
competitor’s traffic. To help you find this information easily, SimilarWeb is an
unbelievable resource.

Use to Improve Page Load Speed

The load speed of a page is a key ranking factor. Images are generally at fault for
lengthy page loading times.
Use to reduce image sizes by up to 90%, with no loss of quality. All
you need to do is drag and drop your image, watch it compress, and then download

Track Keyword Rankings with What’s My SERP

What’s My SERP is a free tool that will track up to 25 keyword phrases across 20
domains for you and up to three competitors. Just sign up, input your keyword
phrases, and click Check All Keywords. If you want, you can export the data after
each report.

I hope this helped 🙂