What are the best SEO Techniques for a News Site?

Well, I have gathered the Following MUST DO 7 SEO Tips for a News Site : –

1. Open Up Your Site – remove Pop ups, and forceful form filling ! Let the visitors first start enjoying your website and then you can ask them to subscribe to you with a notification. NO FORCEFUL POP UPS.

2. Revamp Your Structure : remove the CLUTTER. Make sure the background is white. Give enough white space. Do not Clutter it. Navigation should be smooth and easy.

3. Reward others for linking to you. Create a contest, or an offer, or something, that encourages folks to link to you. Remember, links are votes. More votes mean you have a better shot at a high ranking for your various topics.

4. Give internal linking (use keywords while giving internal links): When someone is on a particular page – give relevant internal linking buttons around it.

5. Using the H1 / H2 Tag Effectively Put your headings in heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.). Use headings that describe the content of the page. The article title is fine. Then put sub-headings into lower level heading tags.

6. Write unique description tags. The description meta tag has little or no effect on your ranking, but search engines often use description tags as the snippet in their results pages. If your writers create good descriptions, folks who read them will be more likely to click through to your site.

7. Remove Duplication : News Sites, have a lot of duplicate news. Which is only normal. Must Use canonical tag to take care duplication issues.

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