What are the differences between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing?

Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing

( I personally feel its a very unfair comparision, please do not forget what traditional marketing did for us … )

But, since the Question is here – let me try and answer it ->

Digital marketing increase brand recognition / brand awareness at a very low cost as compared to Traditional Marketing.

In Digital Marketing you can show your ads to interested and relevant customers – while in Traditional you are generalizing your marketing to all.

Digital Marketing shows you real time results such as Number of visitors Conversion rates, Bounce rates – While Traditional marketing does not !

Using Digital Marketing You can get Higher exposure and reach maximum number of customer throughout the world – while not so in case of Traditional Marketing.

Digital Marketing helps your content get viral the world over because of this engagement rate is higher- while not so in Traditional !

You can contact your customer directly and can help to solve their query -it give Quicker publicity even for a smaller brands it’s feasible to invest in Digital Marketing – which was not the case with Traditional.

Digital Marketing advantage > It is Non Instructive you can skip ad if you don’t want to see – while in case of Traditional screen media you are always subject to intrusion.

With Digital Marketing you can analyse your business growth Easily-you can measure your result and change the strategy accordingly – which was a longer and more expensive procedure in Traditional Marketing.