What causes Low Self-Esteem?

Causes Of Low Self Esteem

So when you look at self esteem like this, you can see that overall self esteem is just a balance between things that make you feel good, and things that make you feel bad. If you feel good more often than you do bad, you will have high self esteem and vice versa.

So why is this important? Well many people who suffer from low levels of self esteem continue to expose themselves to things that make them feel bad.
Unfortunately, they may hang around with the same people everyday who laugh at them, or treat them disrespectfully. They may talk to themselves in a way that lacks respect, such as saying they are a looser or that they can’t do anything.

The things that improve your self esteem are quite simple. 
Basically anything that makes you feel good about yourself, makes you feel important or valuable as a person will build your level of self esteem.
So if your life is full of these things on a consistent daily basis, then your level of self esteem will automatically rise.

Be gentle with yourself and recognise that your mistakes are merely learning opportunities.

  • Keep in mind that your words have power. They direct your thinking.
  • Try helping someone – it could be as simple as helping a old man cross the street !
  • Do stuff that makes you happy – even listening to your favourite music, will create positive thoughts.
  • Simply stepping outside your comfortable rut is a success and every new skill and every piece of new knowledge gained is a success.
  • Keep a diary of all your achievements not matter how small and don‘t let others ridicule you for it. ( I still feel good about helping a blind man cross the bridge ! )
  • When you speak in a certain way you begin to formulate ideas and beliefs which are in harmony with the words you are using.
  • Concentrate on speaking positively of others as well as yourself.
  • Finally when you go to bed at night let your mind think of all the achievements you had during the day/week however small or big it may be, it will give you a sense of mini wins / hurdles crossed.

I have practiced the above when I was much younger…. and its helped me a lot.

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