What will be the scenario of Digital Marketing after 15 years?

After 15 years – what Digital Marketing will mean to you and me, is something very far-fetched.

I don’t mean to put down your question, or discourage you cause in this ever-changing technology where CHANGE is the only thing CONSTANTto answer this question accurately is a challenge and I would be ridiculing myself by answering this.

Check This Article : Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing

Let’s start with the following facts first: –

  1. Google had approximately 30,000 searches per day just 10 yearsback – as compared to today’s 3+ Billion searches per day!
  2. Facebook 7 years back had 400 Million users as compared to today’s 2.1+ Billion Users
  3. Orkut which was rocking 9 years back – has shut its doors!
  4. YouTube has come a long way – you and I have changed the way we entertain ourselves thanks to YouTube!

I could go on and on … but one thing remains constant – and that is the mobile! My first mobile was in 1996 (a huge Ericsson mobile) and I still use a mobile (though it’s a smartphone now – Samsung note 8 )

So, we did find something which is CONSTANT – i.e. use of Mobile – so in a nutshell what I am trying to say that if we are using Mobiles after 15 years – digital marketing will still exist!
I don’t see Digital Marketing going anywhere!
I think the Marketing will become more relevant, targeting will improve, cost will reduce, 
our dependence on this platform will increase.

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